2462 Donors

214 Fundraisers

$375,000 Goal

$335,712.07 Total Raised

Go to Natalie Khawaja

Natalie Khawaja

Text PADPROJECT217 to 71777 to donate
Total Raised
Goal Amount
Go to Aarushi Khanna

Aarushi Khanna

Text PADPROJECT222 to 71777 to donate
Total Raised
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Go to Kate Shapiro

Kate Shapiro

Text PADPROJECT28 to 71777 to donate
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Go to Nadine Szumilas

Nadine Szumilas

Text PADPROJECT167 to 71777 to donate
Total Raised
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Go to Jordan Greene

Jordan Greene

Text PADPROJECT182 to 71777 to donate
Total Raised
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Go to Juneida Khodabocus

Juneida Khodabocus

Text PADPROJECT70 to 71777 to donate
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Go to Xuanting Tang

Xuanting Tang

Text PADPROJECT42 to 71777 to donate
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Go to Ruth Noel

Ruth Noel

Text PADPROJECT104 to 71777 to donate
Total Raised
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Go to Samantha Burge

Samantha Burge

Text PADPROJECT107 to 71777 to donate
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Go to Kaitlyn Haney

Kaitlyn Haney

Text PADPROJECT180 to 71777 to donate
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Go to Autumn Lamicella

Autumn Lamicella

Text PADPROJECT237 to 71777 to donate
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Go to Miura Lima

Miura Lima

Text PADPROJECT103 to 71777 to donate
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Go to Preeti Tamhankar

Preeti Tamhankar

Text PADPROJECT199 to 71777 to donate
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Go to Hannah Mitchell

Hannah Mitchell

Text PADPROJECT99 to 71777 to donate
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Go to Tami Thomann

Tami Thomann

Text PADPROJECT126 to 71777 to donate
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Go to Yvette Lira

Yvette Lira

Text PADPROJECT155 to 71777 to donate
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Go to Naiara Menezes

Naiara Menezes

Text PADPROJECT188 to 71777 to donate
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Go to Shajini Visahan

Shajini Visahan

Text PADPROJECT189 to 71777 to donate
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Go to Natalie Fong

Natalie Fong

Text PADPROJECT221 to 71777 to donate
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Go to Ella Bassett

Ella Bassett

Text PADPROJECT226 to 71777 to donate
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Go to Jasmine Morales

Jasmine Morales

Text PADPROJECT84 to 71777 to donate
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Go to Shannara Fernando

Shannara Fernando

Text PADPROJECT63 to 71777 to donate
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Go to Elif Karadağ

Elif Karadağ

Text PADPROJECT52 to 71777 to donate
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Go to Rene Veronica

Rene Veronica

Text PADPROJECT68 to 71777 to donate
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Go to Mythri Murthy

Mythri Murthy

Text PADPROJECT118 to 71777 to donate
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Go to Shelby Acton

Shelby Acton

Text PADPROJECT1 to 71777 to donate
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Go to Laura Heckel

Laura Heckel

Text PADPROJECT2 to 71777 to donate
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Go to Zoe Skvarka

Zoe Skvarka

Text PADPROJECT3 to 71777 to donate
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Go to Maia Werth

Maia Werth

Text PADPROJECT11 to 71777 to donate
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Go to Lila Sugerman

Lila Sugerman

Text PADPROJECT13 to 71777 to donate
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Go to Natalie Khawaja

Natalie Khawaja

Natalie khawaja

The Pad Project is a nonprofit organization founded by a group of high school students and their teacher dedicated to the fight for menstrual equity. Individuals around the world, especially in low-income communities, often face a lack of access to menstrual products. According to a 2019 study, 1 in 4 U.S. teens has missed class because they didn't have access to menstrual products (1). The combination of period poverty, stigmatization, and inadequate reproductive and sexual health education has major consequences for menstruators’ wellbeing.In order to raise awareness about this issue, The Pad Project committed to raising the funds to send a pad- making machine, along with a year’s worth of raw materials, to a village in rural India. The process was documented in the film Period. End of Sentence., which won the 2019 Academy Award for Best Documentary Short. The documentary shows how the installation of the pad machine provides access to affordable and hygienic menstrual products and creates a microeconomy for the women who operate it.Thanks to your contributions, we’ve placed 12 pad-making machines in 5 countries (Afghanistan, India, Kenya, Nepal, Sri Lanka), supported 8 washable pad-making programs in 7 countries (Bahamas, Ghana, Guatemala, Kenya, Sierra Leone, Tanzania), and funded 2 menstrual cup programs in 2 countries (Pakistan, Uganda). To combat period poverty in the U.S., The Pad Project has 4 grant-giving programs and 1 menstrual product distribution program. Through these programs, the Pad Project has partnered with 45+ nonprofits, schools, school districts, and individuals to help provide free menstrual products to those in need. Now we need your help to expand our reach! With your support in 2023, we hope to strengthen our existing partnerships with our current programs and expand our U.S. programs. Please join us in our vision to end menstrual stigma, period.To learn more about our organization please visit our website.With gratitude, The Pad Project Team https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0795/1599/files/State-of-the-Period-white-paper_Thinx_PERIOD.pdf?455788

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Go to Aarushi Khanna

Aarushi Khanna

Dear Friends and Family,As an ambassador of the Pad Project organization, I am passionate to pursue projects in hopes of working towards menstrual equity. With this, I am so happy to announce that I recently created a short film with some fellow ambassadors around the world. https://youtu.be/2P5XFN1Fljc?si=je3as-a9CFz09YfZOne of the ambassadors, Gabiro Benedict, is an advocate living in Uganda. We discussed the menstrual products individuals in his community would significantly benefit from and I wanted to initiate a fundraiser so that our community could help his.I hope that you will work to dismantle taboos around periods, openly talk about menstruation, and donate to the cause. Let's work together!Sincerely,Aarushi Khanna

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Go to Kate Shapiro

Kate Shapiro

Dear Friends and Family,Please join me and The Pad Project in the global fight for menstrual equality! The Pad Project is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the principle that, "A period should end a sentence, not a girl's education." At the 2013 “Commission on the Status of Women” at the United Nations, a group of high school students and their teacher, Melissa Berton, learned that girls all over the world are forced to miss or drop out of school entirely at the onset of their periods, due to lack of access to hygienic and affordable menstrual supplies. Melissa and her students committed to create a documentary that would raise awareness about the issue and to form a club called The Pad Project. Six years later, in 2019, that film, PERIOD. END OF SENTENCE., won the Academy Award for Best Documentary Short, and that club became the 501(c)3 nonprofit that I write to you about today. Thanks to the support of caring people like you, The Pad Project has had the pleasure of hearing from 42 states, 94 countries, and has sparked a global conversation about menstruation. Still, while The Pad Project is humbled by all of the help they have received, the fight for menstrual equality has only just begun! My hope is that you will continue to further their goals by dismantling taboos around menstruation, creating your own Pad Project chapter, and donating to their organization. Please help them reach all 50 states, 195 countries, and empower more girls and women! They can't do it without you! - Kate Shapiro

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Go to Nadine Szumilas

Nadine Szumilas

Liebe Freunde und Familie, ich möchte meinen 30. Geburtstag dieses Jahr als Chance nutzen Ressourcen für einen Guten Zweck zu sammeln. Wenn ihr also vorhattet mir etwas zu schenken, dann lest euch bitte die nächsten Zeilen durch. :) Bitte unterstützt mich und The Pad Project im weltweiten Kampf für die Gleichstellung der Menstruation! The Pad Project ist eine gemeinnützige Organisation, die sich dem Grundsatz verschrieben hat: "A period should end a sentence, not a girls' life." Es gibt noch so viele Länder da draußen, in denen Mädchen und Frauen nicht das Geld haben Hygiene-Artikel und Menstruationsprodukte zu kaufen. Wo es jedes Mal eine Sache der Abwägung ist, ob sie lieber Nahrung kaufen oder Binden. Mädchen und Frauen sind gestraft für ihre Biologie. Niemand sucht sich Menstruation aus und doch müssen viele durch mangelnde Hygienebedingungen und Armut immens darunter leiden. Für Viele geht es sogar so weit, dass sie während ihrer Periode die Schule nicht besuchen können, da es entweder keine sanitären Einrichtungen gibt oder sie keine Menstruationsartikel zur Verfügung haben. Dadurch verpassen viele Mädchen monatlich (!) mehrere Tage den Unterricht, was letztendlich häufig zum Schulabbruch führt, welcher wiederum noch mehr Armut fördert. Im Jahr 2019, wurde der Film, PERIOD. END OF SENTENCE. mit dem Academy Award für den besten Kurzdokumentarfilm ausgezeichnet, und aus dem Verein wurde die gemeinnützige Organisation 501(c)3 gegründet, über die ich heute schreibe. The Pad Project unterstützt u.A. Dörfer dabei ihre eigene Bindenproduktion zu starten, in dem sie Bindenpress-Maschinen installiert und Frauen schult ihre eigenen Menstruationsprodukte herzustellen. Dadurch erhalten die Frauen und Mädchen nicht nur endlich eine hygienische Möglichkeit normal im Alltag teilzunehmen, sondern haben die Chance ein stabiles Einkommen zu generieren. Langfristig können sie so den Kreislauf der Armut selbst durchbrechen. Wahre Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe! Bitte helft The Pad Project durch eure Spende noch mehr Mädchen und Frauen zu unterstützen! Ich danke euch aus tiefstem Herzen! Nadine

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Go to Jordan Greene

Jordan Greene

Team Toots

Dear Friends and Family,Please join me and The Pad Project in the global fight for menstrual equality! The Pad Project is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the principle that, "A period should end a sentence, not a girl's education." At the 2013 “Commission on the Status of Women” at the United Nations, a group of high school students and their teacher, Melissa Berton, learned that girls all over the world are forced to miss or drop out of school entirely at the onset of their periods, due to lack of access to hygienic and affordable menstrual supplies. Melissa and her students committed to create a documentary that would raise awareness about the issue and to form a club called The Pad Project. Six years later, in 2019, that film, PERIOD. END OF SENTENCE., won the Academy Award for Best Documentary Short, and that club became the 501(c)3 nonprofit that I write to you about today. Thanks to the support of caring people like you, The Pad Project has had the pleasure of hearing from 42 states, 94 countries, and has sparked a global conversation about menstruation. Still, while The Pad Project is humbled by all of the help they have received, the fight for menstrual equality has only just begun! My hope is that you will continue to further their goals by dismantling taboos around menstruation, creating your own Pad Project chapter, and donating to their organization. Please help them reach all 50 states, 195 countries, and empower more girls and women! They can't do it without you.[Name]

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Go to Juneida Khodabocus

Juneida Khodabocus

A woman will have a period usually every 21 to 40 days, lasting around 2 to 7 days, from an average age of 13 till 51, corresponding to almost 450 periods during her lifetime, and equivalent to spending up to 10 years of her life having her menses. Should she thus be able to perform all her usual daily activities including going to school or work while she is on her period? To me, the answer is obvious - an absolute yes! Sadly, this is far from being the case in certain countries around the world. Despite being in the 21st century, the disparity between the developed and developing world is striking. A female teenager in London, for example, would usually be well aware of the concept of menstruation as being a natural process of life; she normally has access to any form of sanitary pads/tampons/menstrual cups and she will typically still be able to go to school while she is on her period. Conversely, in rural India, that same female teenager could grow up with the concept that a monthly bleed is synonymous to an illness or worse, an impurity and thus the need to stay away from the household. She mostly relies on old, often, dirty pieces of cloth to use as pads, potentially increasing her risk of pelvic infection and later infertility. Due to the fear of any leakage or nowhere to change her “cloths”, she has to stay at home when she is on her period and miss out on education, - her only sustainable way of climbing the social ladder. Additionally, later in life after having a few kids, a woman can feel so crippled by her period that she would resort to having a hysterectomy to end it all, often entailing other surgical complications. In short, in many parts of the world, a period, regrettably, remains an absolute taboo. In light of the above, as a female gynaecologist trainee with ancestral roots from the developing world but living and working in the developed world, I strongly feel that action needs to be taken against this double standard. Hence, I am hoping to use my upcoming birthday (30th June) as an opportunity to raise money to be able to make a difference in these girls’ lives. I would be genuinely honoured if you could help me in this endeavour. As a fundraising initiative, I will also be baking some cakes/cupcakes (you are welcome to check my baking page @jakbakes on Instagram for an idea of the treats) :) “You might not be able to change the world, but you could change someone’s world!” A period should end a sentence, not an education. – The Pad Project https://thepadproject.org/who-we-are/ Watch the short film on Netflix: Period. End of sentence. Please write "June's Birthday" in the comments IF you donate Thanks for reading and contributing. May you be blessed always! JuN3

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Go to Xuanting Tang

We are students from Boston College.Please join us and The Pad Project in the global fight for menstrual equality! The Pad Project is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the principle that, "A period should end a sentence, not a girl's education." At the 2013 “Commission on the Status of Women” at the United Nations, a group of high school students and their teacher, Melissa Berton, learned that girls all over the world are forced to miss or drop out of school entirely at the onset of their periods, due to lack of access to hygienic and affordable menstrual supplies. Melissa and her students committed to create a documentary that would raise awareness about the issue and to form a club called The Pad Project. Six years later, in 2019, that film, PERIOD. END OF SENTENCE., won the Academy Award for Best Documentary Short, and that club became the 501(c)3 nonprofit that I write to you about today. Thanks to the support of caring people like you, The Pad Project has had the pleasure of hearing from 42 states, 94 countries, and has sparked a global conversation about menstruation. Still, while The Pad Project is humbled by all of the help they have received, the fight for menstrual equality has only just begun! My hope is that you will continue to further their goals by dismantling taboos around menstruation, creating your own Pad Project chapter, and donating to their organization. Please help them reach all 50 states, 195 countries, and empower more girls and women! They can't do it without you.Xuanting Tang & Ruoqing Lu

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Go to Ruth Noel

Ruth Noel

Dear Friends and Family,God has ignited a strong passion for women’s health and education inside of me recently. I have always been aware of my passion for this, but never really took action. With some research, I learned that girls all over the world are forced to miss or drop out of school entirely at the onset of their periods, due to lack of access to hygienic and affordable menstrual supplies. One day, I hope to travel to undeveloped countries and educate women and girls on hygiene strategies, while providing them with proper materials as a form of mission work. Please join me and The Pad Project in the global fight for menstrual equality! The Pad Project is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the principle that, "A period should end a sentence, not a girl's education." Thanks to the support of caring people like you, The Pad Project has had the pleasure of hearing from 42 states, 94 countries, and has sparked a global conversation about menstruation. Still, while The Pad Project is humbled by all of the help they have received, the fight for menstrual equality has only just begun! My hope is that you will continue to further their goals by dismantling taboos around menstruation, creating your own Pad Project chapter, and donating to their organization. Please help them reach all 50 states, 195 countries, and empower more girls and women! They can't do it without you. Ruth Noel

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Go to Samantha Burge

Samantha Burge

Dear Friends and Family,Please join me and The Pad Project in the global fight for menstrual equality! The Pad Project is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the principle that, "A period should end a sentence, not a girl's education." At the 2013 “Commission on the Status of Women” at the United Nations, a group of high school students and their teacher, Melissa Berton, learned that girls all over the world are forced to miss or drop out of school entirely at the onset of their periods, due to lack of access to hygienic and affordable menstrual supplies. Melissa and her students committed to create a documentary that would raise awareness about the issue and to form a club called The Pad Project. Six years later, in 2019, that film, PERIOD. END OF SENTENCE., won the Academy Award for Best Documentary Short, and that club became the 501(c)3 nonprofit that I write to you about today. Thanks to the support of caring people like you, The Pad Project has had the pleasure of hearing from 42 states, 94 countries, and has sparked a global conversation about menstruation. Still, while The Pad Project is humbled by all of the help they have received, the fight for menstrual equality has only just begun! My hope is that you will continue to further their goals by dismantling taboos around menstruation, creating your own Pad Project chapter, and donating to their organization. Please help them reach all 50 states, 195 countries, and empower more girls and women! They can't do it without you.Samantha Burge and Jenna Thomas

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Go to Kaitlyn Haney

Kaitlyn Haney

Dear Friends and Family,Please join me and The Pad Project in the global fight for menstrual equality! The Pad Project is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the principle that, "A period should end a sentence, not a girl's education." At the 2013 “Commission on the Status of Women” at the United Nations, a group of high school students and their teacher, Melissa Berton, learned that girls all over the world are forced to miss or drop out of school entirely at the onset of their periods, due to lack of access to hygienic and affordable menstrual supplies. Melissa and her students committed to create a documentary that would raise awareness about the issue and to form a club called The Pad Project. Six years later, in 2019, that film, PERIOD. END OF SENTENCE., won the Academy Award for Best Documentary Short, and that club became the 501(c)3 nonprofit that I write to you about today. Thanks to the support of caring people like you, The Pad Project has had the pleasure of hearing from 42 states, 94 countries, and has sparked a global conversation about menstruation. Still, while The Pad Project is humbled by all of the help they have received, the fight for menstrual equality has only just begun! My hope is that you will continue to further their goals by dismantling taboos around menstruation, creating your own Pad Project chapter, and donating to their organization. Please help them reach all 50 states, 195 countries, and empower more girls and women! They can't do it without you.Kaitlyn

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Go to Autumn Lamicella

Autumn Lamicella

Pad project

Dear Friends and Family,Please join me and The Pad Project in the global fight for menstrual equality! The Pad Project is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the principle that, "A period should end a sentence, not a girl's education." At the 2013 “Commission on the Status of Women” at the United Nations, a group of high school students and their teacher, Melissa Berton, learned that girls all over the world are forced to miss or drop out of school entirely at the onset of their periods, due to lack of access to hygienic and affordable menstrual supplies. Melissa and her students committed to create a documentary that would raise awareness about the issue and to form a club called The Pad Project. Six years later, in 2019, that film, PERIOD. END OF SENTENCE., won the Academy Award for Best Documentary Short, and that club became the 501(c)3 nonprofit that I write to you about today. Thanks to the support of caring people like you, The Pad Project has had the pleasure of hearing from 42 states, 94 countries, and has sparked a global conversation about menstruation. Still, while The Pad Project is humbled by all of the help they have received, the fight for menstrual equality has only just begun! My hope is that you will continue to further their goals by dismantling taboos around menstruation, creating your own Pad Project chapter, and donating to their organization. Please help them reach all 50 states, 195 countries, and empower more girls and women! They can't do it without you.Autumn Lamicella

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Go to Miura Lima

Miura Lima

Dear Friends and Family,Please join me and The Pad Project in the global fight for menstrual equality! The Pad Project is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the principle that, "A period should end a sentence, not a girl's education." At the 2013 “Commission on the Status of Women” at the United Nations, a group of high school students and their teacher, Melissa Berton, learned that girls all over the world are forced to miss or drop out of school entirely at the onset of their periods, due to lack of access to hygienic and affordable menstrual supplies. Melissa and her students committed to create a documentary that would raise awareness about the issue and to form a club called The Pad Project. Six years later, in 2019, that film, PERIOD. END OF SENTENCE., won the Academy Award for Best Documentary Short, and that club became the 501(c)3 nonprofit that I write to you about today. Thanks to the support of caring people like you, The Pad Project has had the pleasure of hearing from 42 states, 94 countries, and has sparked a global conversation about menstruation. Still, while The Pad Project is humbled by all of the help they have received, the fight for menstrual equality has only just begun! My hope is that you will continue to further their goals by dismantling taboos around menstruation, creating your own Pad Project chapter, and donating to their organization. Please help them reach all 50 states, 195 countries, and empower more girls and women! They can't do it without you.Miura Lima

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Go to Preeti Tamhankar

Preeti Tamhankar

Dear Friends and Family,Please join me and The Pad Project in the global fight for menstrual equality! The Pad Project is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the principle that, "A period should end a sentence, not a girl's education." At the 2013 “Commission on the Status of Women” at the United Nations, a group of high school students and their teacher, Melissa Berton, learned that girls all over the world are forced to miss or drop out of school entirely at the onset of their periods, due to lack of access to hygienic and affordable menstrual supplies. Melissa and her students committed to create a documentary that would raise awareness about the issue and to form a club called The Pad Project. Six years later, in 2019, that film, PERIOD. END OF SENTENCE., won the Academy Award for Best Documentary Short, and that club became the 501(c)3 nonprofit that I write to you about today. Thanks to the support of caring people like you, The Pad Project has had the pleasure of hearing from 42 states, 94 countries, and has sparked a global conversation about menstruation. Still, while The Pad Project is humbled by all of the help they have received, the fight for menstrual equality has only just begun! My hope is that you will continue to further their goals by dismantling taboos around menstruation, creating your own Pad Project chapter, and donating to their organization. Please help them reach all 50 states, 195 countries, and empower more girls and women! They can't do it without you.[Name]

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Go to Hannah Mitchell

Hannah Mitchell

Dear Friends and Family,Please join me and The Pad Project in the global fight for menstrual equality! The Pad Project is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the principle that, "A period should end a sentence, not a girl's education." At the 2013 “Commission on the Status of Women” at the United Nations, a group of high school students and their teacher, Melissa Berton, learned that girls all over the world are forced to miss or drop out of school entirely at the onset of their periods, due to lack of access to hygienic and affordable menstrual supplies. Melissa and her students committed to create a documentary that would raise awareness about the issue and to form a club called The Pad Project. Six years later, in 2019, that film, PERIOD. END OF SENTENCE., won the Academy Award for Best Documentary Short, and that club became the 501(c)3 nonprofit that I write to you about today. Thanks to the support of caring people like you, The Pad Project has had the pleasure of hearing from 42 states, 94 countries, and has sparked a global conversation about menstruation. Still, while The Pad Project is humbled by all of the help they have received, the fight for menstrual equality has only just begun! My hope is that you will continue to further their goals by dismantling taboos around menstruation, creating your own Pad Project chapter, and donating to their organization. Please help them reach all 50 states, 195 countries, and empower more girls and women! They can't do it without you. Hannah

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Go to Tami Thomann

Tami Thomann

Dear Friends and Family,Please join me during my birthday month along with The Pad Project in the global fight for menstrual equality! The Pad Project is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the principle that, "A period should end a sentence, not a girl's education." At the 2013 “Commission on the Status of Women” at the United Nations, a group of high school students and their teacher, Melissa Berton, learned that girls all over the world are forced to miss or drop out of school entirely at the onset of their periods, due to lack of access to hygienic and affordable menstrual supplies. Melissa and her students committed to create a documentary that would raise awareness about the issue and to form a club called The Pad Project. Six years later, in 2019, that film, PERIOD. END OF SENTENCE., won the Academy Award for Best Documentary Short, and that club became the 501(c)3 nonprofit that I write to you about today. Thanks to the support of caring people like you, The Pad Project has had the pleasure of hearing from 42 states, 94 countries, and has sparked a global conversation about menstruation. Still, while The Pad Project is humbled by all of the help they have received, the fight for menstrual equality has only just begun! My hope is that you will continue to further their goals by dismantling taboos around menstruation, creating your own Pad Project chapter, and donating to their organization. Please help them reach all 50 states, 195 countries, and empower more girls and women! They can't do it without you.Tami

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Go to Yvette Lira

Yvette Lira

Dear Friends and Family,Please join me and The Pad Project in the global fight for menstrual equality! The Pad Project is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the principle that, "A period should end a sentence, not a girl's education." At the 2013 “Commission on the Status of Women” at the United Nations, a group of high school students and their teacher, Melissa Berton, learned that girls all over the world are forced to miss or drop out of school entirely at the onset of their periods, due to lack of access to hygienic and affordable menstrual supplies. Melissa and her students committed to create a documentary that would raise awareness about the issue and to form a club called The Pad Project. Six years later, in 2019, that film, PERIOD. END OF SENTENCE., won the Academy Award for Best Documentary Short, and that club became the 501(c)3 nonprofit that I write to you about today. Thanks to the support of caring people like you, The Pad Project has had the pleasure of hearing from 42 states, 94 countries, and has sparked a global conversation about menstruation. Still, while The Pad Project is humbled by all of the help they have received, the fight for menstrual equality has only just begun! My hope is that you will continue to further their goals by dismantling taboos around menstruation, creating your own Pad Project chapter, and donating to their organization. Please help them reach all 50 states, 195 countries, and empower more girls and women! They can't do it without you.[Name]

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Go to Naiara Menezes

Naiara Menezes


Hi everyone,I'm the co-founder of Limitless, a female empowerment organization with the ambition and drive to change women's stories. We host conferences, product drives to bring awareness to women's health & jobs. For our conference on February 8th, 2023 we are fundraising for the Pad Project.The Pad Project is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the fight for menstrual equity. Individuals around the world, especially in low-income communities, often face a lack of access to menstrual products. Please consider donating to this important cause so all girls can go to school with the proper resources!

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Go to Shajini Visahan

Shajini Visahan


We are a group of high school students with the ambition and drive to change women's stories. For our conference on February 8th, 2023 we are fundraising for the Pad Project.The Pad Project is a nonprofit organization founded by a group of high school students and their teacher dedicated to the fight for menstrual equity. Individuals around the world, especially in low-income communities, often face a lack of access to menstrual products. According to a 2017 study, 1 in 5 American girls have either left school early or missed it entirely because they didn’t have access to sanitary products (1). The combination of period poverty, stigmatization, and inadequate reproductive and sexual health education has major consequences for menstruators’ wellbeing.In order to raise awareness about this issue, The Pad Project committed to raising the funds to send a pad machine, along with a year’s worth of raw materials, to a village in rural India. The process was documented in the film Period. End of Sentence., which won the 2019 Academy Award for Best Documentary Short. The documentary shows how the installation of the pad machine provides access to affordable and hygienic menstrual products and creates a micro-economy for the women who operate it.Thanks to your contributions, The Pad Project has placed six pad machines in different regions in India and implemented a washable pad program in Sierra Leone. We are working to install a semi-automated pad machine in Afghanistan and to launch washable pad programs in Ghana and Guatemala. The Pad Project is combating period poverty in the U.S. by hosting menstrual hygiene donation drives in the greater Los Angeles area and providing grassroots organizations across the country with microgrants to purchase bulk menstrual supplies.Now we need your help to expand our reach! With your support in 2021, we hope to place machines in India, Kenya, Nepal, and Sri Lanka and to launch washable pad programs in Kenya, Sierra Leone, and Uganda. Please join The Pad Project in our mission to create and cultivate local and global partnerships to end period stigma and to empower women and all menstruators worldwide.To learn more about our organization please visit our website.With gratitude, The Pad Project Team https://always.com/en-us/about-us/end-period-poverty; Always Confidence and Puberty Study, Nov. 2017; based on females 16-24 years old; 2016 U.S. census.

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Go to Natalie Fong

Natalie Fong

Dear Friends and Family,Please join me and The Pad Project in the global fight for menstrual equality! The Pad Project is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the principle that, "A period should end a sentence, not a girl's education." At the 2013 “Commission on the Status of Women” at the United Nations, a group of high school students and their teacher, Melissa Berton, learned that girls all over the world are forced to miss or drop out of school entirely at the onset of their periods, due to lack of access to hygienic and affordable menstrual supplies. Melissa and her students committed to create a documentary that would raise awareness about the issue and to form a club called The Pad Project. Six years later, in 2019, that film, PERIOD. END OF SENTENCE., won the Academy Award for Best Documentary Short, and that club became the 501(c)3 nonprofit that I write to you about today. Thanks to the support of caring people like you, The Pad Project has had the pleasure of hearing from 42 states, 94 countries, and has sparked a global conversation about menstruation. Still, while The Pad Project is humbled by all of the help they have received, the fight for menstrual equality has only just begun! My hope is that you will continue to further their goals by dismantling taboos around menstruation, creating your own Pad Project chapter, and donating to their organization. Please help them reach all 50 states, 195 countries, and empower more girls and women! They can't do it without you.Natalie Fong

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Go to Ella Bassett

Ella Bassett

Please join me and The Pad Project in the global fight for menstrual equity! The Pad Project is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the principle that, "A period should end a sentence, not a girl's education.”The Pad Project began in 2013 with a passionate group of high school students resolved to empower the village of Kathikhera, India, by installing a sanitary pad machine. This team of students, mentored by Melissa Burton, created a documentary showcasing the transformative power of the ensuing conversations about menstruation in Kathikhera. The highly-acclaimed film Period End of Sentence launched The Pad Project into further collaborative action.Today, the nonprofit works fiercely to ensure equitable global access to menstrual education and supplies. Through their international and domestic programs, The Pad Project remains committed to the same fundamental standard of equity that galvanized Melissa and her students over a decade ago.Since becoming a student ambassador for The Pad Project, I have sought to spark meaningful conversations about menstruation in my own community. Through these dialogues, I'm learning the immense power of the organization to forge partnerships rooted in overcoming shame and stigma.Period poverty is a systemic issue of global significance. It reinforces the most profound prejudices and social inequalities in existence. However, you can become involved today – no matter where you live – by starting small. Normalize conversations about menstruation with your friends and family. Seek educational materials from outreach organizations like The Pad Project. Ask your state, community, and school leaders how they are ensuring equitable access to pads, tampons, and other menstrual products.My hope is that you will consider contributing to The Pad Project and other members of this global collective, all while learning more about this expansive issue. Because when it comes to menstrual equity, knowledge is power. Period.Ella Bassett

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Go to Jasmine Morales

Jasmine Morales

Dear Friends and Family,Please join me and The Pad Project in the global fight for menstrual equality! The Pad Project is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the principle that, "A period should end a sentence, not a girl's education." At the 2013 “Commission on the Status of Women” at the United Nations, a group of high school students and their teacher, Melissa Berton, learned that girls all over the world are forced to miss or drop out of school entirely at the onset of their periods, due to lack of access to hygienic and affordable menstrual supplies. Melissa and her students committed to create a documentary that would raise awareness about the issue and to form a club called The Pad Project. Six years later, in 2019, that film, PERIOD. END OF SENTENCE., won the Academy Award for Best Documentary Short, and that club became the 501(c)3 nonprofit that I write to you about today. Thanks to the support of caring people like you, The Pad Project has had the pleasure of hearing from 42 states, 94 countries, and has sparked a global conversation about menstruation. Still, while The Pad Project is humbled by all of the help they have received, the fight for menstrual equality has only just begun! My hope is that you will continue to further their goals by dismantling taboos around menstruation, creating your own Pad Project chapter, and donating to their organization. Please help them reach all 50 states, 195 countries, and empower more girls and women! They can't do it without you.

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Go to Shannara Fernando

Shannara Fernando

Dear Friends and Family,Please join me and The Pad Project in the global fight for menstrual equality! The Pad Project is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the principle that, "A period should end a sentence, not a girl's education." At the 2013 “Commission on the Status of Women” at the United Nations, a group of high school students and their teacher, Melissa Berton, learned that girls all over the world are forced to miss or drop out of school entirely at the onset of their periods, due to lack of access to hygienic and affordable menstrual supplies. Melissa and her students committed to create a documentary that would raise awareness about the issue and to form a club called The Pad Project. Six years later, in 2019, that film, PERIOD. END OF SENTENCE., won the Academy Award for Best Documentary Short, and that club became the 501(c)3 nonprofit that I write to you about today. Thanks to the support of caring people like you, The Pad Project has had the pleasure of hearing from 42 states, 94 countries, and has sparked a global conversation about menstruation. Still, while The Pad Project is humbled by all of the help they have received, the fight for menstrual equality has only just begun! My hope is that you will continue to further their goals by dismantling taboos around menstruation, creating your own Pad Project chapter, and donating to their organization. Please help them reach all 50 states, 195 countries, and empower more girls and women! They can't do it without you. Thank you, Shannara Fernando

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Go to Elif Karadağ

Dear Friends and Family,Please join me and The Pad Project in the global fight for menstrual equality! The Pad Project is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the principle that, "A period should end a sentence, not a girl's education." At the 2013 “Commission on the Status of Women” at the United Nations, a group of high school students and their teacher, Melissa Berton, learned that girls all over the world are forced to miss or drop out of school entirely at the onset of their periods, due to lack of access to hygienic and affordable menstrual supplies. Melissa and her students committed to create a documentary that would raise awareness about the issue and to form a club called The Pad Project. Six years later, in 2019, that film, PERIOD. END OF SENTENCE., won the Academy Award for Best Documentary Short, and that club became the 501(c)3 nonprofit that I write to you about today. Thanks to the support of caring people like you, The Pad Project has had the pleasure of hearing from 42 states, 94 countries, and has sparked a global conversation about menstruation. Still, while The Pad Project is humbled by all of the help they have received, the fight for menstrual equality has only just begun! My hope is that you will continue to further their goals by dismantling taboos around menstruation, creating your own Pad Project chapter, and donating to their organization. Please help them reach all 50 states, 195 countries, and empower more girls and women! They can't do it without you. It doesn't matter who ı am, the important thing is what am ı doing. Right?

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Go to Rene Veronica

Rene Veronica

Queridos amigos y familiares, Por favor, únanse a mí y a The Pad Project en la lucha global por la igualdad menstrual. The Pad Project es una organización sin fines de lucro dedicada al principio de que, "A period should end a sentence, not a girl's education." En la "Comisión de la Condición Jurídica y Social de la Mujer" de 2013 en las Naciones Unidas, un grupo de estudiantes de secundaria y su maestra, Melissa Berton, aprendieron que las niñas de todo el mundo se ven obligadas a faltar a la escuela o a abandonarla por completo al comienzo de sus períodos, debido a la falta de acceso a suministros menstruales higiénicos y asequibles. Melissa y sus estudiantes se comprometieron a crear un documental que concienciara sobre el tema y a formar un club llamado The Pad Project. Seis años después, en 2019, esa película, PERIOD. END OF SENTENCE, ganó el premio de la Academia al mejor corto documental, y ese club se convirtió en la organización sin fines de lucro 501(c)3 sobre la que les escribo hoy. Gracias al apoyo de personas como tu, The Pad Project ha tenido el placer de ser escuchado en 42 estados de Los Estados Unidos, 94 países, y ha provocado una conversación global sobre la menstruación. Aún así, aunque The Pad Project se siente honrado por toda la ayuda que ha recibido, ¡la lucha por la igualdad menstrual no ha hecho más que empezar! Mi esperanza es que continúen promoviendo sus objetivos al desmantelar los tabúes en torno a la menstruación, crear su propio capítulo del Proyecto de Almohadillas y hacer una donación a su organización. Por favor, ayúdenlos a llegar a los 50 estados, 195 países, y a potenciar a más niñas y mujeres! No pueden hacerlo sin ti. René Verónica.

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Go to Mythri Murthy

Mythri Murthy

Dear Friends and Family,Please join me and The Pad Project in the global fight for menstrual equality! The Pad Project is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the principle that, "A period should end a sentence, not a girl's education." At the 2013 “Commission on the Status of Women” at the United Nations, a group of high school students and their teacher, Melissa Berton, learned that girls all over the world are forced to miss or drop out of school entirely at the onset of their periods, due to lack of access to hygienic and affordable menstrual supplies. Melissa and her students committed to create a documentary that would raise awareness about the issue and to form a club called The Pad Project. Six years later, in 2019, that film, PERIOD. END OF SENTENCE., won the Academy Award for Best Documentary Short, and that club became the 501(c)3 nonprofit that I write to you about today. Thanks to the support of caring people like you, The Pad Project has had the pleasure of hearing from 42 states, 94 countries, and has sparked a global conversation about menstruation. Still, while The Pad Project is humbled by all of the help they have received, the fight for menstrual equality has only just begun! My hope is that you will continue to further their goals by dismantling taboos around menstruation, creating your own Pad Project chapter, and donating to their organization. Please help them reach all 50 states, 195 countries, and empower more girls and women! They can't do it without you. Mythri

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Go to Shelby Acton

Shelby Acton

Dear Friends and Family,Please join me and The Pad Project in the global fight for menstrual equality! The Pad Project is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the principle that, "A period should end a sentence, not a girl's education." At the 2013 “Commission on the Status of Women” at the United Nations, a group of high school students and their teacher, Melissa Berton, learned that girls all over the world are forced to miss or drop out of school entirely at the onset of their periods, due to lack of access to hygienic and affordable menstrual supplies. Melissa and her students committed to create a documentary that would raise awareness about the issue and to form a club called The Pad Project. Six years later, in 2019, that film, PERIOD. END OF SENTENCE., won the Academy Award for Best Documentary Short, and that club became the 501(c)3 nonprofit that I write to you about today. Thanks to the support of caring people like you, The Pad Project has had the pleasure of hearing from 42 states, 94 countries, and has sparked a global conversation about menstruation. Still, while The Pad Project is humbled by all of the help they have received, the fight for menstrual equality has only just begun! My hope is that you will continue to further their goals by dismantling taboos around menstruation, creating your own Pad Project chapter, and donating to their organization. Please help them reach all 50 states, 195 countries, and empower more girls and women! They can't do it without you.[Name]

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Go to Laura Heckel

Dear Friends and Family,Please join me and The Pad Project in the global fight for menstrual equality! The Pad Project is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the principle that, "A period should end a sentence, not a girl's education." At the 2013 “Commission on the Status of Women” at the United Nations, a group of high school students and their teacher, Melissa Berton, learned that girls all over the world are forced to miss or drop out of school entirely at the onset of their periods, due to lack of access to hygienic and affordable menstrual supplies. Melissa and her students committed to create a documentary that would raise awareness about the issue and to form a club called The Pad Project. Six years later, in 2019, that film, PERIOD. END OF SENTENCE., won the Academy Award for Best Documentary Short, and that club became the 501(c)3 nonprofit that I write to you about today. Thanks to the support of caring people like you, The Pad Project has had the pleasure of hearing from 42 states, 94 countries, and has sparked a global conversation about menstruation. Still, while The Pad Project is humbled by all of the help they have received, the fight for menstrual equality has only just begun! My hope is that you will continue to further their goals by dismantling taboos around menstruation, creating your own Pad Project chapter, and donating to their organization. Please help them reach all 50 states, 195 countries, and empower more girls and women! They can't do it without you.[Name]

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Go to Zoe Skvarka

Zoe Skvarka

Her Campus at WVU

Dear Friends and Family,Please join me and The Pad Project in the global fight for menstrual equality! The Pad Project is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the principle that, "A period should end a sentence, not a girl's education." At the 2013 “Commission on the Status of Women” at the United Nations, a group of high school students and their teacher, Melissa Berton, learned that girls all over the world are forced to miss or drop out of school entirely at the onset of their periods, due to lack of access to hygienic and affordable menstrual supplies. Melissa and her students committed to create a documentary that would raise awareness about the issue and to form a club called The Pad Project. Six years later, in 2019, that film, PERIOD. END OF SENTENCE., won the Academy Award for Best Documentary Short, and that club became the 501(c)3 nonprofit that I write to you about today. Thanks to the support of caring people like you, The Pad Project has had the pleasure of hearing from 42 states, 94 countries, and has sparked a global conversation about menstruation. Still, while The Pad Project is humbled by all of the help they have received, the fight for menstrual equality has only just begun! My hope is that you will continue to further their goals by dismantling taboos around menstruation, creating your own Pad Project chapter, and donating to their organization. Please help them reach all 50 states, 195 countries, and empower more girls and women! They can't do it without you.[Name]

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Go to Maia Werth

Dear Friends and Family,Please join me and The Pad Project in the global fight for menstrual equality! The Pad Project is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the principle that, "A period should end a sentence, not a girl's education." At the 2013 “Commission on the Status of Women” at the United Nations, a group of high school students and their teacher, Melissa Berton, learned that girls all over the world are forced to miss or drop out of school entirely at the onset of their periods, due to lack of access to hygienic and affordable menstrual supplies. Melissa and her students committed to create a documentary that would raise awareness about the issue and to form a club called The Pad Project. Six years later, in 2019, that film, PERIOD. END OF SENTENCE., won the Academy Award for Best Documentary Short, and that club became the 501(c)3 nonprofit that I write to you about today. Thanks to the support of caring people like you, The Pad Project has had the pleasure of hearing from 42 states, 94 countries, and has sparked a global conversation about menstruation. Still, while The Pad Project is humbled by all of the help they have received, the fight for menstrual equality has only just begun! My hope is that you will continue to further their goals by dismantling taboos around menstruation, creating your own Pad Project chapter, and donating to their organization. Please help them reach all 50 states, 195 countries, and empower more girls and women! They can't do it without you.[Name]

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Go to Lila Sugerman

Lila Sugerman


Dear Friends and Family,Please join me and The Pad Project in the global fight for menstrual equality! The Pad Project is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the principle that, "A period should end a sentence, not a girl's education." At the 2013 “Commission on the Status of Women” at the United Nations, a group of high school students and their teacher, Melissa Berton, learned that girls all over the world are forced to miss or drop out of school entirely at the onset of their periods, due to lack of access to hygienic and affordable menstrual supplies. Melissa and her students committed to create a documentary that would raise awareness about the issue and to form a club called The Pad Project. Six years later, in 2019, that film, PERIOD. END OF SENTENCE., won the Academy Award for Best Documentary Short, and that club became the 501(c)3 nonprofit that I write to you about today. Thanks to the support of caring people like you, The Pad Project has had the pleasure of hearing from 42 states, 94 countries, and has sparked a global conversation about menstruation. Still, while The Pad Project is humbled by all of the help they have received, the fight for menstrual equality has only just begun! My hope is that you will continue to further their goals by dismantling taboos around menstruation, creating your own Pad Project chapter, and donating to their organization. Please help them reach all 50 states, 195 countries, and empower more girls and women! They can't do it without you.[Name]

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