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    Your Donation Will Completely Change a Child’s Life!

    Thank you for supporting Gift of Adoption Fund - Metro New York Chapter. 100 percent of your TAX-DEDUCTIBLE donations on this page will fund adoption grants in the Metro New York area.


    Gift of Adoption provides grants to complete the adoptions of vulnerable children - giving them permanent families and the chance to thrive.

    Already this fiscal year, we have awarded 6 grants totaling $21,000 to families right here in our community.

    Your donation will help more children like Konrad and Gavin.

    Katrin and Jens of Kingston, NY who are adopting Konrad so that he can be raised with his biological sister, who they previously adopted. Konrad is currently in Katrin and Jens' care awaiting an official court date - which has been delayed due to COVID-19. If not adopted, Konrad will be placed in the foster care system. Katrin shared, "This adoption is absolutely worth all the stress, tears, and costs as baby Konrad has brought tremendous joy to our family. With COVID-19 hanging over the country like a dark cloud it is a little bit scary to be two self-employed freelancers, but our children are our biggest blessings and keeping them together forever is our most important goal."

    Cynthia and Kyle of South Glen Falls, NY who are adopting 2-year-old Gavin from Ukraine. Gavin has Downs Syndrome and has lived in an orphanage his entire life. Cynthia and Kyle are waiting for COVID-19 travel restrictions to be lifted so that they can return to Ukraine and finalize Gavin's adoption. Cynthia shared, "Children do not belong in orphanages. They belong with family who think the world revolves around them. In the orphanage, Gavin has had minimal food and minimal attention. He is incredibly tiny and sweet and we know he will thrive with the love of a family."

    There are eight more families representing an additional $32,000 waiting to hear a decision from us. Your donation will help us say "yes" to more of these waiting children and families!

    With Gratitude,

    The Gift of Adoption Metro New York Chapter Board


    DOES YOUR EMPLOYER MATCH YOUR GIFT? If your employer or your spouse's employer has a matching gift program, your gift to Gift of Adoption may be doubled or even tripled. Use the search bar below to quickly find out if your employer matches gifts. Follow the instructions to fill out your employer's matching gift form and send it to us at [email protected].

    Gift of Adoption is a 501(c)3 organization. Your donations will be tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

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